This is my blog in which I talk about everything. But if you are interested in just the adoption story click here on "Ethan's Story" or see below under "other blogs" and you can see his blog. This blog contains the same information (my side of the story) but the other one is in a simple form and easier to follow.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Day

My last post was actually written a few days ago but I just finished it today. So I thougt I'd go back and mention Valentine's Day. The house was all cleaned up so I was very relaxed and spent a lot of time with the kids. Ellie and I made a heart cake, of course. Tyler was very sweet and made me a special dinner. He made cheese cake (which didn't even crack on the top!) and chicken cordon blu (sp?) with onion soup served on the side. We fed the kids mac's and cheese and put them to bed early. Tyler then sent me to dress up for our "date". We had a lovely candle light dinner and drank sparkling cider. We even had lovely live entertainment as Evan, from his bed, serinaded us with his precious singing voice.


The Ben Show said...

That is so fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow, It was fun to catch up on what's going on with you. I don't get on the internet much anymore. We are doing good. Ajusting to life with a baby. He's so much fun. It's good to see Ethan fitting in and I love all the pictures. They are getting so big. I love the PINK cast too.

Ann said...

What a wonderful tradition, keep it up!