This is my blog in which I talk about everything. But if you are interested in just the adoption story click here on "Ethan's Story" or see below under "other blogs" and you can see his blog. This blog contains the same information (my side of the story) but the other one is in a simple form and easier to follow.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What's New...

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I have to admit that things have been busy but nothing worthy of a fun blog post! So, what have I been up to? Here you go:

-Redoing Evan and Ethan's room (I'll post pictures when I'm done. Which will be a while). This involves stripping wall paper from the plaster, texturing the walls, painting, making curtains and hopefully replacing carpet. So far I have stripped the wall paper and made curtains. It's going to be a cute jungle theme. I'm hoping to incorporate some of the jungle feel from Vietnam, we'll see. I also bought three cute jungle pictures from Walmart for pretty cheap.

-Preparing for Awana. Wow, didn't know it would be this hard!! For those of you who don't know, our church is starting Awana (a children's Bible memory program) this fall. Village Missions (our mission agency that works with churches in rural America) is flying Tyler and I to Chicago in a week for a pilot program in which Awana is working to get the program into smaller churches. We will have a week of training. I'm trying to line up workers and figure out what type of supplies I'll need to order while in Chicago. The problem is that I need to do the ground work before I really know what is going on.

-We ordered a passport for Ellie. We have finally decided to take her with us to Vietnam.

-Last of all I'm trying to keep up with both my children (who have been very trying these past few days! Ellie is in her room as I type waiting for me to deal with her.) and all the house work. I've also been trying to plan for our big trip to Vietnam with really no clue as to when I need to be ready.

So there are a few things we have been doing. It may not really sound like much but lately the kids alone have been more then I can handle! :) Well, I will try to post when I have something interesting or get any adoption updates.

1 comment:

Chip and Sara said...

Wow, that sounds really busy! Chip & I do a teen bible program at our church, and we're gearing up for the whole school-year season right before we leave, so we know a little of how you feel! We can't imagine doing it with kids (but I guess we'll soon learn that, too!)

Chip & Sara