This is my blog in which I talk about everything. But if you are interested in just the adoption story click here on "Ethan's Story" or see below under "other blogs" and you can see his blog. This blog contains the same information (my side of the story) but the other one is in a simple form and easier to follow.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Boy or Girl? Hmm....

We had a relaxing Thanksgiving. I had dinner on by 12:30 and all the dishes done before that. I was surprised how easy the day was. In the afternoon we put up our Christmas tree and did some other decorating. I know, I just couldn't wait any longer!

I've been thinking about the adoption today (ok, I think about it every day). Ellie says she wants a sister and a brother. She already has a brother so now we need the sister. If it were up to me I'd have all girls (well, I'd keep Evan), they are so much fun to dress up and pamper! We told the agency that we were willing to take either boy or girl but because boys are more numerous in Vietnam we are almost guaranteed a boy. The only way we would get a girl is if we choose one off the Waiting Child List (children with some sort of health issue that prevents them from being in the "healthy child" category) or specifically request one. From the time you get on the waiting list till the time you get a referral (a child assigned to you) is 8-10 months for a boy and 18-24 for a girl. With that being said, I think we'll get a boy! Oh well, as long as I get another girl eventually, because I really want Ellie to have a sister.

Sorry, enough of my ramblings…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now have your blog as a favorite.