This is my blog in which I talk about everything. But if you are interested in just the adoption story click here on "Ethan's Story" or see below under "other blogs" and you can see his blog. This blog contains the same information (my side of the story) but the other one is in a simple form and easier to follow.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Yesterday we went fishing with a family from our church. It was at a small pound and the sun was making this beautiful path across it. There were so many picture perfect moments but, of course, I forgot my camera! I was so I'll have to describe a few of the things I missed on film.

Ellie was sitting in the tall green grass with her knees bent up. She was holding her fishing poll and giving me this sad little look. She was disappointed because she couldn't catch any fish.

Evan kept watching everyone else holding the polls and fishing so he decided he would join in. He sat on his camping chair right next to the shore and held his long stick just like a poll. Every once in a while he would shake it like he was casting, then just sit back and hold the stick out for a while. He was so relaxed!

We had a great time roasting hot dogs and marshmallows around the fire. It was a wonderful evening, and Tyler even caught two fish!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you!! Check out my blog for details...