This is my blog in which I talk about everything. But if you are interested in just the adoption story click here on "Ethan's Story" or see below under "other blogs" and you can see his blog. This blog contains the same information (my side of the story) but the other one is in a simple form and easier to follow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Any time now!

Wednesday night was our first night of Awana. Things were a little less organized then I would have liked, but overall it went pretty well. We had 25-30 kids and quite a few of them were new to our church. Tyler was in charge of the older group and went over time. He said he could have easily used another half hour. I, on the other hand, was in charge of the Cubbies (preschool) and ran out of things to do in the first half hour (we had 1.5 hours)! I have a lot more planning to do for next time. :) Saturday is our Awana basic training so I need to get ready for that as well. For the most part things are calming down a bit and I'm feeling much less stressed.

With that said...I'M READY GOD!! SEND ME TO VIETNAM!!!! :)

Today we went to Salina and got clothes for the boys. I was doing ok with shirts but all of Evan's jeans were getting short. I figured with two boys (the same size), and winter coming on, one pair of khakis, two pairs of overalls, and lots of shorts just wouldn't cut it. So we got two sets of matching jeans and a set of matching foot pajamas. I need to buy them some soft cozy pants as well, but I couldn't find two in the right size. I had so much fun buying double (even if I spent twice as much). I have always wanted twins!!


Tyler said...

I could have used another full hour the other night!

Heidi said...

Twins are fun!! Yours are going to be closer than mine, so I'll be eager to hear how things go for you. You're right- buying in twos is so much more expensive. What I hate buying (besides diapers) in twos is shoes- they grow so fast and can't wear them for very long. My greatest find was Pumas for $5!! I wish I would have bought every size they had, oh well!

I'm checking back every day to hear if you get the travel news. I am so excited for you!!!